The Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA) recently had its annual conference on research in food safety: Contaminants in the food chain. This year the event was held in-person in the Coque Auditorium in Kirchberg (Luxembourg) on Thursday 10th October. It was an opportunity to connect with fellow professionals, researchers, and experts: the conference was followed by a reception to foster collaborations within Luxembourg and beyond with invited speakers from our neighbouring countries, with approximately 100-150 people attending the event. SCENARIOS was represented by our colleague Emma Arnesdotter from Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) presenting a poster with the title: “Evaluating toxicity of data-poor PFAS: insights from advanced in vitro co-culture models in the SCENARIOS project”. The poster presented the background for the research, the work done on in-vitro co-culture, its objectives and next steps in this interesting research action.

Although it was a small and local but very nice conference on Food Safety the PFAS fitted well, and our representative sparkled interest on the poster (Evaluating toxicity of data-poor PFAS: insights from advanced in vitro co-culture models in the SCENARIOS project) in general. In particular, personnel from EFSA was very interested in the intestinal experiments we have planned.