Technology validation by means of pilot demonstration in the most relevant industry and application.
Bringing together various demo sites across Europe to demonstrate and validate the green performance and the effectiveness of the innovative SCENARIOS solutions when faced with different environmental and technical challenges in relevant real case studies of all selected fields of application:

1. Biomonitoring of PFAS in blood using sensor-based methods. SCENARIOS will operate the first public biomonitoring project in people living in an area notorious for the occurrence of cancers, systemic infections, and neurological disorders in children, and where one of the few PFAS manufacturing facilities in Europe is located, Spinetta Marengo, Alessandria, Italy.
Inhabitants of the Municipality of Montecastello, Frugarolo, Spinetta Marengo and Alessandria are involved. The new developed smart detection technologies based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) and / or electrochemistry will be demonstrated.
SCENARIOS Partner Azienda Ospedaliera di Alessandria (AOAL), in the framework of the Piedmont Regional Health System, Italy, will be in charge for this demonstration together with FORTH, BGU and UPO.
2. Remediation of PFAS in groundwater and soil at two sites in Scandinavia. The two polluted sites are characterized by different geological settings and a different PFAS congener composition. The old Albäck landfill in Trelleborg, Sweden, has been used for decades as a fire-fighting training spot by the local fire department. The underground water is characterized by a legacy 3M Aqueous Film Forming Foam fingerprint whose primary component is PFOS.
The second site is in Korsør, Zealand, Denmark. This is a firefighting training school whose underground water shows a short-chain PFAS (C4-C6) signature typical of current AFFF formulations.
SCENARIOS technological solutions such as Surface-Active Foam Fractionation (SAFF), Vadose zone Monitoring System (VMS), and cold plasma destruction, will be demonstrated. Partner ENVYTECH and GEO will be in charge for this multiple pilots together with SENSOIL, BGU, FORTH, UPO, UNILE, UCLM.
3. Remediation of short chain PFAS in drinking water.
High-Performance Surface-Active Foam Fractionation will be demonstrated as a valuable technique for the removal of legacy and C4-C6 fluoroalkyl congeners at levels below limit of detection in a drinking water treatment plant in Catalonia, Spain. Partner IDP will be in charge for this demonstration through ENVYTECH and FORTH remediation solutions and the external support of local industry.
- Location: Municipality of Montecastello and Spinetta Marengo, Alessandria
- Partners: UOAL
- Type: Biomonitoring of PFAS in blood using sensor based techniques
Location: Trellebrog, Sweden & Korsør, Denmark
- Partners: ENVITECH & GEO
- Type: Remediation of PFAS in groundwater and soil.
- Location: Catalonia
- Partners: IDP
- Type: High-Performance Surface-Active Foam Fractionation removal of short chain PFAS from drinking water