Articles & Papers


Generic method for the detection of short & long chain PFAS extended to the lowest concentration levels of SERS capability (Chemosphere journal) 2.81 MB 8 downloads

Authors: Zoi G. Lada, Georgios N. Mathioudakis, Amaia Soto Beobide, Konstantinos...

Generic Method for the Detection of Short & Long Chain PFAS Extended to the Lowest Concentration Levels of SERS Capability 1.01 MB 1 downloads

Authors: Zoi G. Lada, Georgios N. Mathioudakis, Amaia Soto Beobide, Konstantinos...

Impact of Short-Chain Perfluoropropylene Oxide Acids on Biochemical and Behavioural Parameters in Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) 2.24 MB 7 downloads

Authors: Rotondo, D., Gualandris, D., Lorusso, C., Braeuning, A., Calisi, A., &...

Sensitive and Accurate Determination of 32 PFAS in Human Serum Using Online SPE- UHPLC-HRMS 1.62 MB 29 downloads

Authors: Masho Hilawie Belay, Elisa Robotti, Arianna Ghignone, Alessia Fabbris, Jessica...

Bioconversion of polystyrene and food waste streams into biochar: an upgraded enzymatic activation system 4.42 MB 9 downloads

Authors: Juan C. Sanchez-Hernandez, Ximena Andrade Cares and Andreea Bustan   ...

A Review on Removal and Destruction of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) by Novel Membranes 6.10 MB 18 downloads

Authors: Das, S.; Ronen, A Abstract: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)...

Evaluation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) toxic effects on the acute inflammatory response in the medicinal leech Hirudo verbana 14.80 MB 38 downloads

Authors: A. Calisi, N. Baranzini, G. Marcolli, C. Bon, D. Rotondo, D. Gualandris,...